Brian Lorenz
Owner, Developer
Makes the coffee and sometimes sweeps the floor.
Megan Braun
Megan started at New Frontier Services as an intern in the Fall of 2020 while attending Anoka Technical College to pursue a degree in Web Development and Software Development. After graduating in the Spring of 2021, she was welcomed as a full-time developer. With an eye for design and problem solving, Megan loves making our clients happy through custom coding solutions!
Madeline Thornton
Developer - Web Design
Madeline joined our team as a Web Developer. She graduated Anoka Technical College Fall of 2021 with a associates degree in Web and Software Development. She is currently pursuing her Bachelors in IT at Capella University. She spends a majority of her time taking care of her plants and gardening!
Keith Butterfield
Keith is one of our software developers here at NFS. He's worked at places such as RBC and Optum. He loves playing games such as Zelda: tears of the kingdom, Final Fantasy, and Baldur's Gate 3, while pursuing his passion in indie game development.

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